Heart Garden Nursery

Rhoeo dwarf BULK x100 plants - Rhoeo spathacea nana $198.00 Heart Garden Nursery

Rhoeo dwarf BULK x100 plants - Rhoeo spathacea nana


Currently 15cm - LANDSCAPERS BULK LOT 100 plants. Rhoeo is a short-stemmed tender foliage plant which makes attractive small, dense, clumping rosettes. It forms a solid groundcover of upright purple and green leaves. The 15cm to 20cm long, sword-shaped leaves are green above and purplish below. The unusual flowers, borne down among the leaves, appear as clusters of tiny white flowers nestled within two boatshaped, purplish bracts. They are not noticeable unless you look closely. Also commonly known as Moses in the bulrushes, Moses in the boat. Various scientific names too: Tradescantia spathacea, Rhoeo bermudensis, R. spathacea nana.;

Current Height:15cm

Mature Height:20cm



Other sizes for Rhoeo dwarf BULK x100 plants:

Rhoeo dwarf - Moses in the Cradle - 15cm

Rhoeo dwarf BULK x100 plants - 15cm

Rhoeo dwarf x 30 Moses in the Cradle - 15cm