Heart Garden Nursery

Lily turf or Giant Mondo - Liriope muscari $7.00 Heart Garden Nursery

Lily turf or Giant Mondo - Liriope muscari


Currently 15cm leaf - An evergreen perennial related to lillies. It has strappy, green leaves and erect stems of bell-shaped, purple flowers. Liriope can be used as a groundcover under trees and shrubs and as a massed planting on slopes and banks. It can also be used as low edging plants along paved areas or in front of foundation plantings.

Note: this is not Mondo Grass, please see that listing for more information.;

Current Height:15cm leaf

Mature Height:60cm



Other sizes for Lily turf or Giant Mondo:

Lily turf or Giant Mondo - 15cm leaf

Lily turf or Giant Mondo x5 - 15cm leaf