Heart Garden Nursery

Cordyline - Rubra - Cordyline fruticosa $16.00 Heart Garden Nursery

Cordyline - Rubra - Cordyline fruticosa


Currently 80cm high - The cordyline is a hardy plant that provides colour 365 days of the year. Rubra is mainly red and pink with green highlights. It is also known as the good luck plant - its tough nature makes a great gift. With its magnificent lush foliage is a must for the tropical garden inside or out. It makes an excellent container plant as it can be easily pruned to shape, but is also beautiful as an understory or feature plant out in the garden. Fragrant white flowers are followed by bright red berries. Also known as Ti plant.;

Current Height:80cm high

Mature Height:300cm



Other sizes for Cordyline - Rubra:

Cordyline Rubra - 25cm high

Cordyline - red edged - 30cm

Cordyline - Rubra - 50cm high

Cordyline - Rubra - 80cm high